Once upon a time, there was a white chicken who loved to dance. His name was Bert. Every night, he fell asleep imagining himself on a darkened stage. A spotlight glided with him as he waltzed across the stage and stepped into a perfect arabesque. The audience held their breaths: he leapt into a magnificent jeté. He was suspended in the air for an infinite moment.

When he was fully grown, the white chicken became a dancer. He performed in many magnificent productions, including the classics Chicken Lake and The Sleeping Chicken, as well as in Fokine's The Firebird, and Martha Graham's Letter to the Hens and Appalachian Spring.

Chicken is now retired and he lives in the Netherlands, where he is 'getting back to the land'. His best friends are Pinot the blue penguin, Fang the alligator, and Gyrgos the matrix bear.


so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

--"The Red Wheelbarrow",
by William Carlos Williams

pirouette devloppe


The dancer in motion is a harmony of living forms, masses and outlines, whose relations to each other are continually varied by that 'motion which causes lines to flow'. We are exceedingly ill equipped for the study of things in flux. We cling to things at rest as though they are landmarks in a turbulent chaos. A modern engineer, for example, who wishes to study the mechanism of the revolving screw, would doubtless begin his studies by stopping the motor and taking it apart. Dynamics, space and time--they are simultaneously present in even the simplest dancing.


         Pinot and Chicken
Chicken Lake     Sleeping Chicken

Scenes from Chicken  Lake and The Sleeping Chicken
courtesy of the National Chicken Ballet of Canada

*Pinot got it from: Levinson, Andre. "The Spirit of the Classic Dance" in Theatre Arts Monthly (March 1925).